Thursday, June 25, 2015

Let's catch up...

Wow, has it really been 6 months since I've posted last?  So much has happened since then!  I got engaged, one of my best friends got married...okay, so I guess "so much" is the wrong wording...but it's all super exciting and important stuff!  Here's a few things I've been working on these past few months..

I was my friend Kelsey's maid of honor so, along with the help of her other bridesmaids, we put together an awesome Minnie and Mickey Mouse themed bridal shower!

I made the banner with black doilies, scrapbook paper and ribbon!

I used these little notes in a scrapbook I made for the bride that I gave to her on their wedding day!  Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of the book; I'll have to ask her for one when they get home from their honeymoon!

This game is always fun-- "Pin the _____ on the Bride and Groom"  We did this at my other friends wedding with "Pin the Moustache on the Groom"
I've also made two more wedding signs for friends that got married

That's all for now!  I'll post some of the things I've been doing for our wedding in a few days!